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parent: im sorry for being me

Re: im sorry for being me by Kid. on 2002-02-18 09:56:19

Ah. You sound kinda cute this early in the morning. (Notes that you're not on line, and that my last comment, despite being (I think) kinda funny is now irrelevant). Everyone has the good and bad times, the old and young times. I'm guessing you feel more at home at the older end of the scale, and the things you do/say that make you feel young you look back on and regret. Don't. Well, maybe look back on them, but don't regret them, just try not to get dragged into things that don't actually want to do.

You remind me of you when I was like that. I would say your age, but I don't know how old you are. I think you mentioned it...maybe not. Anyway.

And least of all don't ever be sorry for who you are; be proud of it, its all you've got.
And stay crazy.

*Writes, reads, takes a step back, and chuckles*. "Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of 2002....".

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