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root: You people are English, aren't you?

parent: Re: Re: You people are English, aren't you?

Re: Re: Re: You people are English, aren't you? by Washingont Foerskins on 1999-09-24 04:13:21

Yeah, and it just so happens that i think i know who you are too. This does not count in the five people thingy, but if you tll them who i am, i will publish everything know about you, your name, tel no. address, embarassing incidents etc. Public Footpath - no falling down stone stairs. AND THATS A WARNING BIG FELLA. Dans ca site, nous sommes anonymous. Or, va soucer les ours. Et le gare avec les pantalons pour un nom, il sait que nous avons ecrit le topic de lui. Dommage, hein? Later, dude.

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