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OK. Finally, You Got Me This Is New. And About Fish! by Kid on 2003-04-30 14:59:56

Its been (oddly) all over the papers today that fish can feel pain. Fair enough. Who am I to dispute that...the way I see it is that I would want a giant hook in the roof of my mouth. But I was wondering if they would be able to remember the pain. Is it like this for them (numbers represent seconds)

1. FUCK! There's a hook in my mouth, bugger, that really hurts. And I'm a saltwater fish too, bloody typicle.
2. That still hurts, but I feel like I'm being pulled in by something.
3. Crap! There's no water here. The hook still hurts.
4. Ow, ow, ow. Photographing me, but ah, the hook. Its gone. Pain's still there but I'm not in the salt anymore.
5. My mouth hurts, still, the hook hole...I must flip about a bit, like a rugby league player
6. I'm flying, I'm flying, I can forget about that hook hole for a second or two.
7. Splash! Cool water. Feels good, that hook's almost forgotten...still hurts like hell, though.8. Aaaah! My mouth really hurts. Why does my mouth hurt? Why? What's happened? Why am I a bit dry?

You'll see what I did there. Incorporated..you can see anyway.

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Re: OK. Finally, You Got Me This Is New. And About Fish! by Kid. on 2003-04-30 15:00:26  |  Reply to this
  You can NEARLY see. Read 8. as if it were a new line.
Re: OK. Finally, You Got Me This Is New. And About Fish! by Kid on 2003-04-30 15:01:31  |  Reply to this
  And what the hell is 'typicle', a very un-typical typing error from me. Not even a really good effort at the spelling. I'll stay behind after klaz.
Re: OK. Finally, You Got Me This Is New. And About Fish! by d.- on 2003-04-30 17:14:33  |  Reply to this
  you ARE bored!!!
Re: OK. Finally, You Got Me This Is New. And About Fish! by Wash/ Lavez! on 2003-05-01 01:48:04  |  Reply to this
  Yeah I'm finding it hard that anyone can be so bored!!

However, if fish do suffer pain (agony, not bread), surely it would be wrong for vegetarians to eat such foodstuff, or living creatures, as the case may be. Perhaps the poisson with the big hook ripping its mouth to shreads may be suffering more than the vache whose head been chopped off in one fell swoop. Neither are pretty, but the vache tastes better, and are less beautiful than the poisson. I'm not encouraging you to become vegan, by any means, Kid. A kid like you needs his protein, and we all know that quorn sucks.

But, everyone, its May 1, a new month: spare a thought for the poisson!