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parent: Are Elijah Wood and Dominic Monaghan gay together? (Frodo and Merry from Lord of the Rings)

Re: Are Elijah Wood and Dominic Monaghan gay together? (Frodo and Merry from Lord of the Rings) by Jen on 2004-02-11 15:42:22

I'm not sure if it's Dom and Elijah...I was thinking Elijah and Billy or Dom and Billy (even though that's too cliche since everyone knows Tolkien totally meant for Merry and Pippin to be gay together). I haven't seen the touchy feeliness in public (though I wish I had) and if Dom and Lij are gay together, all the better for 'em! Dom's a hottie and Lij's just cute as a puppy. Gay guys rock! --Jen (http://geocities.com/unfathomable7/enterfusion.phtml)

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Re: Re: Are Elijah Wood and Dominic Monaghan gay together? (Frodo and Merry from Lord of the Rings) by Donaghan on 2004-09-03 13:32:40  |  Reply to this
  i agree!!!