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WHO CARES? by Kreature Silva on 2004-03-28 22:06:35

who cares if they're gay or not? they're fine actors, both did a helluva job in the lord of the rings trilogy. their sexual orientation is of no importance. if they're gay, they're gay. being gay is no crime, it's no illness (literally. go ask any psychologist) and it's not gross! every one's entitled to their freedome of choice. but waht if they're straight? hugging and kissing meas nothing. i'm very much a man and i sometimes play "make believe" with some of my pals. the stronger your heterosexuality is, the easiest it is for you to "fool around" with it without that strange fear of getting "contaminated". i'm heterosexual and i will always be heterosexual even if there was a law forcing me to be gay. i have nothing against the gay mob, i wouldn't like to live in a "heterophobic" world so i give gays my respect (as long as they respect my heterosexuality the say way i respect they homosexuality). so, having said all that. WHO FUCKIN' CARES IF ELIJAH, MONAGHAN, BOYD, BLOOM AND WHOEVER ARE GAY OR NOT? can't you all see? it's just damned irellevant...

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