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root: Are Elijah Wood and Dominic Monaghan gay together? (Frodo and Merry from Lord of the Rings)

parent: Re: Re: Are Elijah Wood and Dominic Monaghan gay together? (Frodo and Merry from Lord of the Rings)

Re: Re: Re: Are Elijah Wood and Dominic Monaghan gay together? (Frodo and Merry from Lord of the Rings) by lauren on 2004-04-06 13:20:58

They are not GAY!!! Lij has had g-friends and so has Dom!! I know t5his for a fact. BUT, u know who is gay? Orlando Bloom He Always has his arms around dom, lij, ect and has even givin dom a wet kiss 9on the mouth in public. The other actors he hangs with look DISGUSTED!!! it made me nasous to look at the one of orlando with a mohawk wi5th his arms around lij(elijah), dom and billy. he was touching their ASS! he is Gay-E .i could swear by it! There is all this shit about him liking Jessica simpson. Yeah, uh huh, right. it is a lie i tell u! HE IS GAY!!!!!!!!

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Are Elijah Wood and Dominic Monaghan gay together? (Frodo and Merry from Lord of the Rings) by Jaime on 2004-04-24 23:40:44  |  Reply to this
  Lauren, orlando bloom is not gay if he was he'd be datin a guy instead of a girl. orlando bloom is getting married 2 blue crush babe kate bosworth. I know that 4 a fact. answer this question 4 me, why can't 2 guys just have fun play around and act like complete ediots boys do that and so what if he grabbed his ass. he was just playin around. The only thing that i agree with is elijah and dom bein gay. They are so not gay, but elijah does not have a girlfrind and neither does dom. I'm friends with this women and her daughter works for stars. She said that she's seen orlando and Kate all over eachother, and he didn't have a crush on Jessica Simpson it's Kate bosworth his fiance. After he broke up with Christina Ricci maybe about a couple months after he was smittin with Kate Bosworth.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Are Elijah Wood and Dominic Monaghan gay together? (Frodo and Merry from Lord of the Rings) by kezie /keisha on 2004-09-04 17:40:46  |  Reply to this
  hey whats up like i care you all think that eli is gay making up crap about sexy celebs well you have another thing comeing ,ya'll are f***en gay ,and thats coming from my heart.Lookyou all need to suck orlandos dick since you love him so much. hey this is keisha saying you fucking person make up these lies for a living and you want to creat a problem here just to have people can get mad at you, funny I think!!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Are Elijah Wood and Dominic Monaghan gay together? (Frodo and Merry from Lord of the Rings) by PolishMyFingernails on 2005-01-19 06:41:13  |  Reply to this
  Ummmm....Orlando bloom on a talk show said he wouldn't want to talk about his love life, but also stated he was NEVER involved (dating) with Christina Ricci! he talked to her a couple of times. and I quote him (not in exact wording) "Ummm, she is cool but I was never involved in any way with her, not that I didn't like her or anything, she's cool, but ummm we just laugh when we hear rumors like that. Urr...we had lunch and they took pictures and got out of control with thier own thoughts." end quote. Kate Bosworth and orlando Bloom have been together since LOTR two towers...They were never really sure if they were going to get married until during Kates movie Beyond the sea. _Polish_