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parent: Are Elijah Wood and Dominic Monaghan gay together? (Frodo and Merry from Lord of the Rings)

Re: Are Elijah Wood and Dominic Monaghan gay together? (Frodo and Merry from Lord of the Rings) by PolishMyFingernails on 2005-01-19 06:51:23

NO! they aren't gay...well I speak for elijah when I say that. Cause Dom, man he got problems. There is a picture of him and Viggo M. (Aragorn) frenching eachother. and the were playing, you could tell, but dude sometimes you just don't joke about stuff like that, you are or you aren't. And Elijah has been with alot of girls, including myself, he is a sweet and he is very confidant in letting you know he isn't gay. quote "Umm no I'm not (**Laughs**) sorry fellas, no I mean I have um morals when it comes to marriage and ya know it should be between a man and a woman, I have never had the mindset that ummm that was ever umm the right direction for me." ENd quote. And no I have not BEEN with him if you know what I mean. Because I have umm how shall I say this... values. _Polish_

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