wanna go HOME now...


10 July 1998

9:45 AM: Why am I awake? Well, wait, I used to do this, didn't I? Time is getting too confusing the more it piles up.

I don't really recommend dreaming in Perl, by the way.

So, in any case, here I am awake, fixing some way overly complicated code for telling whether or not I'm getting to the end of a page in this half-assed script at work, and then setting up the navigation for this.

Not to mention writing this, the very first entry. But then I just did. Oh well.

It's called "today" because, really, every day is today. It just depends on where you are. "Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow" has a gloomy weight to it, certainly, but at least it IS tomorrow - it's in the future, so there's still the chance that something can change.

But it's really Today and today and today. It's not coming up, it's happening to you right now. You have 30 seconds. Good luck.

Now it's Friday, and I'm running on about 3.5 hours of sleep. Today's agenda: more object-oriented programming. Joy. There's a party tonight, though, at Marie's building. I ought to go. I always say that. Maybe this time I will. Not because it's going to be so spectacular, but my social skills have been in a cast for a while and they're all pasty and atrophied now. Exercise is required.

2:24 AM: So, of course, I ended up crashing for an hour around noon. (For those who don't understand why 9:45 AM is all that early, I'd actually been up since 6:30 and had only gotten to sleep around 3:30.) I slept for about an hour and a half. I dreamed that I was walking around my house, trying to get ready to leave, but I was too sleepy to do anything. I couldn't even stand up. That's going a little too far, I think. I know my brain is my enemy, but good lord.

At one point in the dream, I heard this meowing - terrible, pitiable low "wrrrrrrrooowww!" sounds. Suddenly I remembered - I have cats! And I'd forgotten I had them! So of course I hadn't fed them in about a month. When I saw them, they were these pathetic little 6 inch things, covered in scabs. It was horrifying. And in such sleep what dreams may come indeed. Oy. I'd've been better off on MUNI talking to crack addicts.

I did go to the party tonight at Marie's. Good thing, too, saw several people I hadn't for a while. Even though we did talk about the web. I'm realizing that that's my social circle's equivalent to my family only being able to talk about the traffic on the way in - we don't know each other well enough to have anything to really talk about, and in any case, this is a much safer topic. After all, we all know what the current opinions are.

Willfully blind self-indulgent nebbish or amusingly quirky old coot? And how bout that local sports team? Discuss among yourselves.

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All names are fake, most places are real, the author is definitely unreliable but it's all in good fun. Yep.
© 1998-1999 Lighthouse for the Deaf. All rights reserved and stuff.

The motto at the top of the page is a graffito I saw on Brunswick Street in Melbourne.