wanna go HOME now...

  Tendency to Drift

1 October 1998

5:27 PM:

She had eyes as big as Jolly Ranchers
Beautiful girl, beautiful girl....
Guess what we got for SNACK! today..........

6:18: This is kind of scary, I guess. Donuts, coffee, Jolly Ranchers, saltines, some Skittles for protein. Mmmmm.

Oy, a day. I was up until 7:30 AM this morning, getting stuff working for the Big Project Thing that's already a couple days late. Fell over, heard alarm, turned off alarm, managed to wake up spontaneously by 12:30 - not bad. So back in here by 2, type type type, code code code, curse curse curse. It's amazing how much time and effort one must spend getting "productivity enhancement" software to work. Especially when it falls into the technical category, "piece of shit."

I get annoyed easily, does it show? I'm getting this error that says my system is running low on virtual memory. No shit, I can barely remember what virtue is.... Oh, like you haven't told worse.

My office crush is looking very Seventies today, which, like most things about her, is good and bad. It is kind of cute in that interesting way, but the Seventies don't really need to be brought back. Honest, I was there. There are so many much better decades. 34 AD is very nice.

8:05: This is so weird. Why is it like this? As Richard Feynman warned, "Don't ask that. Nobody knows why it's like that. It just is." What am I talking about? Oh it's just work stuff. I have a table that's disappearing when it's inside another table, unless there are words in the cell with it. Very strange. Interesting too, no? zzzzzzzzz

Well or I don't know, maybe that's more interesting to you than my snack food consumption. But it's not interesting to me to talk about here, and in case you haven't noticed, I'm in charge here. So, well, that'll tell you I guess. Yeah.

Jesus I am drifting so badly ...... wasn't I just working on something? Oh! That table. Good thing I'm keeping notes. :w Damn.

9:27: Uh oh, it's sincere British people combining traditional instruments and forms with the best of today's modern sound! Run away! I really need to go hit the Random switch on the CD player. I don't mind one song of this shtuff, but after about three I want to go sniping for Druids...

Oh, god, speaking of Druids, read a horrrrible book this weekend. Overshoot by Mona Clee. Blech. Boomers go to the end of the world and explain how they were really crucial in saving mankind, even though they were more crucial in fucking it up in the first place. Plus snappy dialog and a lot of political references that would make no fucking sense, Mona, in the year 2032. It would be like people now arguing about Wendell Wilkie. If you were a history buff, you might know who they were talking about, but it would still be archaic.

Not to mention that the "plot" consists of "Oh, well, I was sort of a hippie, but I'm from Texas, so none of that weird shit for me, thanks! I'll just smoke dope and get laid. Uh oh, now I'm getting older - getting laid is a problem! Oh, now it's OK. But what's this? Oh, gosh, Tianamen Square, my boyfriend's dead. I'm sad. I'll marry this rich guy. Now skip 40 years - I'm old! Isn't that a hoot! But I still get the good looking guys. And look! Here's my old boyfriend, he's not dead at all! And he's given us all gene therapy so that we'll all really understand how, like, heavy it is to be mean and stuff. The world is saved! Yay!"

I swear to God. :w Damn!

10:01: Poor Cubbies.

10:45: Wow. I'm done. Well, not done but there's nothing more I can do for the nonce. It's not even 11. Whatever shall I do with myself? Hey, I know, I'll go get drunk and fall down. That'd be novel.

See, this is one of the reasons why I don't actually talk that much about my life as such. Because my life mostly isn't as such. I get up, I come to work, I leave, I go to the bar, I leave, I go home, I read, I sleep, repeat. Weekends I don't go to work. That's it, it, it. There's really nothing interesting going on. Even the imagined dramas inside my head are all bled out at the moment. At least I know this isn't a sign of age, I've always been boring. Certainly for a long time.

So I have to just make things up and talk about nonsensical plufferies. I know you understand.

Willfully blind self-indulgent nebbish or amusingly quirky old coot? And how bout that local sports team? Discuss among yourselves.

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All names are fake, most places are real, the author is definitely unreliable but it's all in good fun. Yep.
© 1998-1999 Lighthouse for the Deaf. All rights reserved and stuff.

The motto at the top of the page is a graffito I saw on Brunswick Street in Melbourne.