wanna go HOME now...

  Another Boring Entry

6 November 1998

5:13 PM: The parking lot by the train station down here has a sign up, presumably its name: "Parking Concepts Inc." Now, does that mean that they store ideas? Or are they exploring new concepts in parking? I'd like to know what those might be. Vertical parking. Micro-term parking, for periods of less than a minute. "It's a new kind of parking, sir - we call it 'theft'!"

I don't know whose birthday it is today, but I'd like to thank them for the carrot cake. Mmmmm.

8:02: Whoosp! Bye bye Newt! I just hope he doesn't take over at People's Court now.

9:25: If you've ever wandered up the URL aways to Potatoe.Com proper, you might have noticed that I had a LinkExchange banner on the front page. I always thought LinkExchange was fun. I had to make up my own banner ad, which was a particularly odd task since this site really has no theme or purpose. But then, I guess that's what advertising's all about, isn't it? The ad itself never brought that many people into the site, but that's OK.

Well, so of course, it had to happen, didn't it?

Date: Thu, 5 Nov 1998 15:16:25 -0800
To: msn@linkexchange.com
From: me
Subject: damn you all to hell

LinkExchange was a perfectly fine example of the Internet way of doing
things. And you just couldn't leave that alone, could you, Microsoft
bully boys? It was like waving a fresh virgin in front of a frat boy
with a rich lawyer for a daddy, wasn't it?

I will be pulling the LinkExchange banner ** off ** my site and
cancelling all connections to you.  Ptui.

I'm really working on my cranky old man chops lately. Gack. It's November already, do you realize that? Which means it's almost 1999. Which is 40 years after 1959. Which has some personal significance for Your Host. Gahdamn. Well, it's like I told Anna on her 31st birthday, "Yes, 31 was much worse than 30. That's when I realized that this shit was just going to keep happening. Until you die, I mean. Which isn't much of a solution."

Willfully blind self-indulgent nebbish or amusingly quirky old coot? And how bout that local sports team? Discuss among yourselves.

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All names are fake, most places are real, the author is definitely unreliable but it's all in good fun. Yep.
© 1998-1999 Lighthouse for the Deaf. All rights reserved and stuff.

The motto at the top of the page is a graffito I saw on Brunswick Street in Melbourne.