wanna go HOME now...

  Seize the Beer

12 December 1998

Now this is sad. I finally switched off and swapped cords for enough things to stop the interference that's laid my stereo low for the last couple of weeks. So KCSM is once again my constant companion. Just as I opened this file, a new song started, this no doubt very sophisticated, sad-sounding lady begins to sing: "Here I am, all broken-hearted..." And what does my brain instantly respond with? "Tried to shit, only farted," of course. If only I could find its power switch.

Only just began listening to new CDs yesterday. Quite like the Beck one, but as I was working, I pushed it below a bit too far below consciousness to remember too much other than that. The Stereolab compilation is decent, but marred by the idiocy of its packaging. Just this dumb cardboard folder, with the CDs held in by little paper nubs. One of which has already broken off, naturally. What is the thinking behind a design like that? All I can guess is that they picture their target audience as all using those 50-CD folder thingies or something. Fooey.

Speaking of, went on another, slightly less expensive fit of purchasing yesterday. 800.com is running a 3-for-$1 promotion - I gather they're a new site. And after only a few days of trying, I even got in to the special promotional page! So new REM, couple of Saint Etienne, and Chef Aid: The South Park Soundtrack. That should be diverting. Note I don't say "good".

Now I'm off to get extremely full, and then extremely drunk, and it should be a grand evening. The owner of the bar is giving, as a Christmas present, a free evening to Saul, Sean, and yr humbl narrator. We thought it was the least we could do to stock up on the fiery vindaloo from the Indian restaurant down the street first. I expect full unconsciousness to kick in sometime around midnight and last until, oh, March.

Willfully blind self-indulgent nebbish or amusingly quirky old coot? And how bout that local sports team? Discuss among yourselves.

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All names are fake, most places are real, the author is definitely unreliable but it's all in good fun. Yep.
© 1998-1999 Lighthouse for the Deaf. All rights reserved and stuff.

The motto at the top of the page is a graffito I saw on Brunswick Street in Melbourne.