wanna go HOME now...

  A Not Entirely Slothful Day

28 March 1999

Up all night again last night, this time watching Smiley's People. Apart from Smiley himself, of course, my favorite character in that show is Toby Esterhase - played by Bernard Hepton. "Sure, George." It's a simple line, but I dunno, it's just delivered perfectly.

I succumbed to late-night munchies, too, ordering a medium pizza so as to get the free bottle of Coke that came with it. Hmm. More pizza than I can eat, and costing about as much more than a small as the cost of the Coke in the first place. I'm thinking "free" has a dubious meaning here...

Still wide awake when it finished, around 9 AM, ended up watching CNN because that's the channel it was tuned to and I've lost the cable remote and, well, getting up just to change channels, let's be reasonable. All about Kosovo, of course. Had a big argument with Anna's roommate about the whole thing last night. Not helped by taking place in a bar, but I still don't exactly understand what we were arguing about. She wasn't exactly following a TGV of thought in the matter. I think now, if I had just said, "Look, you don't support the attack because you just don't like the idea of bombing anyone, period, right?" I could have short-circuited the whole dispute. Because certainly a person has a right to believe that.

Me, I don't know, but on the whole, I can't help but think that the Serbs have had this coming for a long time. They're all very upset now, and sure and I would be too were I underneath high explosives, but I didn't notice them getting too bent out of shape over the years long shelling of Sarajevo, the destruction of Srebrenica and massacre of its civilian population, the invasions of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia... I thought Madeleine Albright got it on the nose today: "His complaining about being a sovereign state reminds me of the kid who killed his parents and then said he was an orphan."

It's not like this is such a good solution in any way, I know. It's like medicine, say, 200 years ago. Primitive, brutal, wrong-headed, and largely ineffective. But as opposed to what? For the repeated-diplomacy approach, see Bosnia, partition of. Even the Senators they had on TV seemed to get that much.

Finally got to sleep around 11, woke up about 4, showered and actually went shopping! gasp. At a supermarket, no less. Normally they terrify me, but I'm in that sleep-deprived muttering nutter state, and I just didn't have the attention span to be intimidated by all the lights and people like usual.

Plus! Before I was subjected to the store, I met my office crush on the street, just like a normal person. That was very nice. We had a brief chat about bad buying habits. Brightened my whole day, that. And now I have a ham, and a fork, some tuna, and some soup. Tonight - Futurama!

Aaaah, I can tell I'm still wacked out, because I'm starting to get all sentimental. Better go lie down before I call someone.

Willfully blind self-indulgent nebbish or amusingly quirky old coot? And how bout that local sports team? Discuss among yourselves.

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All names are fake, most places are real, the author is definitely unreliable but it's all in good fun. Yep.
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The motto at the top of the page is a graffito I saw on Brunswick Street in Melbourne.