wanna go HOME now...

  What I Did On My Holiday

29 November 1999

9:09 PM: I'm all ready for another one of these four day weekends. Especially if it included free food again. Burp.

I had MegaThanksgiving this year. Lana "let" a friend of hers use her house this year, which means she suffered through having him come over and do all the cooking, and his friends do most of the organizing. I think they were his friends. It was kind of mixed, I suppose. I knew some people there, not others, that was as far as I could go. Ended up having 20+ guests, 3 turkeys, 20 lbs of mashed potatoes, bowls and bowls of this supercritically excellent gravy, candied yams, pies and pies and pies and pies, corn, cranberries, salad, cheese, pickles (sweet as well as sour), and oh my just the large amount of food.

I was sort of forced at bonepoint to take home a big Tupperware bowl of turkey home for leftovers. The strange thing was, at the time I thought "Oh man, how am I ever gonna eat all of this?" Now I look in there and it's "Damn, I should have gotten some more." Problem with getting food when you're as stuffed as an overweight Furby, I suppose.

Then after dinner, and after dessert, and after the moaning had subsided, we watched South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut on their spiffy DVD player, the crowning touch of perfection to a wonderful day. That was followed by a screening of Cannibal: The Musical, the necessary touch of excess on top of perfection to make it all clear. Er, or something like that. Cannibal is a very silly movie, really - like it would be something else. The roots of South Park are very apparent, especially in the songs. Worth a rental.

After that, though, very little resembled my original plans. Saul dropped off the face of the Earth, as did Lauren, and with all the new Chock-o-Block movies opening this week I found that the only things I really wanted to go see that were still playing were Being John Malkovich and Princess Mononoke. Never did make it to Malkovich.

Did see Mononoke, though. My God. This definitely ain't no Totorro. The art is stunning, and the demons are awesome, meaning your jaw drops when you see the first one, in amazement and horror. Anime films usually do look good, of course, it's the storyline that gets soggy in milk. Not this time, though. It's a long film, and it uses every minute to good effect. I particularly liked the way that no party to the conflict was simplified into Good Guys or Bad Guys. Everyone's trying to do what seems best to them. The problems come when those solutions conflict.

The other reason that I didn't get anything much done this weekend is that I stumbled across an extra power strip in my bedroom. Literally, I hit it with my toe. I had just been talking about how I needed one of those to plug stuff in properly. I fell into an electrical appliance frenzy and ended up building this Transformer tower of a portable TV, one of my excess VCRs that still plays tapes OK, the boom box radio/tape player, and then the alarm clock and portable CD player together on the top layer. Naturally, once I could watch TV in bed, I ended up doing nothing but watching old Mystery Science Theater 3000 tapes for hours and hours. Sigh.

And the other other other reason is that I saw Lola again. Somewhat more successfully, which was cheering. But only somewhat more. And I'm still Mr. Wheezy after doing anything more strenuous than sitting or lying down. It's not good. But winter's here.

Today today, naturally of fucking course, I was awakened at 7:30 AM, after 2 hours of sleep, by my lovely little cow orkers paging me on my lovely little pager. To no great purpose, also of course. But it required me to wake up just enough to not be able to get back to sleep without giving up with the eyes-closed shtick and working for another few hours, at which point I fell over and didn't wake up until 3 PM. So much for waking up at 10 AM to a civilized morning of laundry, tea, and the Times. Welcome back.

Where have you gone, Joel Robinson? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you. Woo woo woo.

Willfully blind self-indulgent nebbish or amusingly quirky old coot? And how bout that local sports team? Discuss among yourselves.

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All names are fake, most places are real, the author is definitely unreliable but it's all in good fun. Yep.
© 1998-1999 Lighthouse for the Deaf. All rights reserved and stuff.

The motto at the top of the page is a graffito I saw on Brunswick Street in Melbourne.