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root: 20th Century. Lets Reminisce.

parent: Re: Re: 20th Century. Lets Reminisce.

Walt vs. Gene by Amelia on 2000-05-18 10:00:51

Disney definitely has a formative effect on a lot of people, especially since we are mostly exposed to his work at a very tender age. But the world of Disney is really a very narrow one, with extremely old-fashioned moral values, an very little opportunity for personal creativity. All the magic is pre-defined.

Star Trek, besides being much more politically liberal, is an open-ended construct that encourages people to play along and extrapolate new ideas and interpretations. The Star Trek philosophy also has a more lasting legacy at second hand. Many of the people who have created the high tech world where we meet and express ourselves were strongly influenced by Star Trek and incorporated many of its precepts into the structure of the operatings systems and networks we use today.

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