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parent: Costa Rican vacation summary.

Re: Costa Rican vacation summary. by Kid on 2003-02-12 08:06:43

Souds amazing - I thought it was just a bit of jungle and coffee plantations. You sound like you really enjoyed it, but that only goes further in my quest to make people realise that Central America (I say probably...I've never been, but I've seen things that come from there - that's only partly sarcastic. You decide) probably rules.

If you do go back, I want coffee.

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Re: Re: Costa Rican vacation summary. by JohnnyG on 2003-02-12 23:15:59  |  Reply to this
  Kid, you're one sarcastic bastrad! No Kid, in all actuality your intuition has nailed the correct judgment. Costa Rica does rule, at least as far as Central American countries are concerned. Now about that topic on bananas. I have never seen so many banana trees in my life. Fresh bananas were so commonplace and so incredibly ripe(ripen and even rot on the tree) that I was bored of them after the first week. What's this shit about their disappearance?
Re: Re: Re: Costa Rican vacation summary. by Wash! on 2003-02-13 03:30:43  |  Reply to this
  They've been given 10 years before they die out. Much like the iraquis in that respect.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Costa Rican vacation summary. by Kid on 2003-02-13 04:57:39  |  Reply to this
  Ah, I don't want this (and not just your quite cute, to be honest, misspelling...I don't blame you, I just think your finger slipped, the keys are next to each other) at all. The Iraquis? It makes them sound like Star Trek villains. As ever, its just one prick forcing what he wants onto everybody else, who is scared of him (*Kid chuckles at the ambiguity of that sentence*). This is a bad thing, but someone is to blame. Bananas are dying out naturally, which is odd, and probably due to some screwing up of the earth by mankind, but not a direct result.

In short, whereas the Iraquis (I love that now. I'm gonna start calling them that. "If we take out the i-rack-wiss")will be actively destroyed, bananas are far more subtle.

However, they both have a death sentence on their good name.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Costa Rican vacation summary. by JohnnyG on 2003-02-13 10:36:35  |  Reply to this
  I believe I know the person who can solve the banana problem. Linus Torvalds. Look at what he's done to Microsoft in 5 years time. He will simply apply the kernel Linux to the proper operating system and a biochemist will do some inputting and and the processor will do the outputting of the solution to this deliciously horrific situation. Iracquis still living at the time will be the first taste testers.